Friday, December 31, 2010

NYE 2010

We arrived at 11AM to get the best seats for the Sydney 2010 NYE fireworks.  It was one of those once in a lifetime things that we will most likely never do again ... the fireworks were amazing, although I don't think it was worth 12-13 hours of Sydney's blazing sun! 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My baby bump at 25 weeks!

Wow! I'm getting bigger!  Do I really have 3.5 more months left?

My short lived career as a florist

I no longer want to be a florist... it's hard work! But I do love it as a hobby and I am loving the summer in Sydney. My past weekend: Sat yoga at 10AM, swimming in the ocean with my two favorites - Chris and Jakey, followed by a great pizza dinner!  Woke up early on Sunday to attend a day floral arrangement class.  I made a Christmas wreath (Estee, how can you not like wreaths? Do you see how pretty my wreath is?  Are you jealous?), Christmas tree and a bouquet.

Chris Azalde, the new Thorpedo

Way to go Chris! He finished in the top third % overall in the Bondi to Bronte ocean swim ... which translates into the top 5% if the swim had taken place in the USA (Aussies are just so much more fit!)  As Chris crossed the finished line, he heard a crowd cheer and he thought it was "his friends" ... he looked up and realized none of us were there because he swam it faster than we walked it. :(  Honestly the only way I could have beat him is if I had taken a cab.  Afterwards we all enjoyed a nice brunch at our favorite Bronte brunch spot, Salina's.  Thanks Estee, Dan, Dave, and Arsia (frog) for supporting and cheering on Chris! :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One of the 1 million reasons why I love Jake!

Each morning when I walk out the door, Jakey looks out the window and counts the seconds til I come home from a long day at work.  Nothing beats coming home to Jakey!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Morning Commute

Just like 101 South from SF to MTV, except sometimes there are dolphins.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Soaking in some Tamarama sun!

Jakey in the backyard. He's getting his body nice and tan to show off at the beach.

First baby gift!

getting really excited and can't wait to put these clothes on her or him! thanks lori!

Baby at 17 weeks

Baby is growing and very healthy! Still do not know the gender as the baby was feeling shy this day at the doctor's office. :)

High tea at The Tea Room at the QVB

So much fun and so good too! We went here for Sukyoung and Fiona's baby shower. For some reason, the Aussies don't do "leftovers" .. I love leftovers. The team thought it would be funny to wrap up two scones and put them in my bag as a joke!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Every day with Jakey

is magical! Little does he know he will soon be replaced .. :(

My bump

my bump, my bump, my bump, MY BUMP .. my lovely lady bump! Check it out! 15 weeks and counting. :)

Ayers Rock

I wasn't expecting to be wow'ed ... I mean, it's a rock ... however, surprisingly, I left impressed. We went there for 24 hours. In and out. Gorgeous red sand and breath taking sunsets. Even with the resort monopoly, the accommodation, food and service was all really nice. We did the "Sounds of Silence" tour - champaign w/ canapes while we watched the sunset, Aussie BBQ (kangaroo, crocodile, etc) dinner, followed by a tour of the stars and moons. It gets really cold at night (duh it's the dessert) and this is where Chris and I messed up. We both had on shorts while everyone else brought their parkas. :(

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9 months of no sushi!

Yes guys! I'm pregnant! 3 months now! There is no glow tho... the past three months have been filled with me feeling very ill and Chris listening to how ill I feel! I'm so tired all the time! I have been going to bed at 7PM... that's two hours ahead of my usual 9PM sleep time. HA! Had two doctor's appointments and they both went very well. Heart beat is fast and loud (167 beats per second) and baby is healthy. Chris is excited to have an excuse now to stay in on Friday nights!

Pink diamonds and rose gold!

Luckiest girl alive! Lots of girls and boys out there with broken hearts tonight! HA! :)

Finding Nemo

Chris and I spent 4 amazing days at the Great Barrier Reef! We lived aboard a boat. Great option for those who love water, snorkeling, and diving. (I just like water, not love) The best part was that we snorkeled at 6:30AM just as the fish were waking up and we saw so much action in the water. It was like grand central station with fish. We saw a reef shark, sea turtles, barracuda, giant clams, and of course lots of nemos! :) The worst part is that while snorkeling, I puked up my breakfast bc it was very rocky waters .. the fish were happy. Chris dove for the first time. :) It was really romantic and I kept on asking Chris if he had "anything" to ask me .. nothing! ha!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

City to Surf 2010

This is basically Bay to Breakers but with less beer and more clothing. It's the world's largest run! 80K people participated this year. It's 14K of gorgeous views and good exercise. There is a huge hill called heart break hill which at the time seemed to last for the entire route. HA! Chris jogged in 1.29, Laura and Maria jogged in 1.38, Jolly and I did it in .... drum roll please .... 2.30! Woo hoo!

Go Sydney Swans!

AFL - Australian Football League. What could be better than spending 2-3 hours in the afternoon watching very cute and muscular men in tight clothing bear hugging each other! Thanks to Jenny for letting us join her in this super fun Aussie past time. Chris and I really got into the spirit of things and wore all red! :)