Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bondi is truly beautiful!

i go to sleep early. say 9:30/10PM. jakey was breathing so hard bc he was so damn hot. he was restless... getting on and off the bed. farting in my face, etc.. he was looking at me like i was the animal for making him endure the extreme heat. i could only look at him and think "i know jakey, i know!"

next door is this surfer model chick. she comes home at midnight and is all loud so jakey starts barking. downstairs is artsy photographer. he and his homies were up to 4-5am partying last night. youth hotel 2 doors down is up all night too. the birds then started chirping (i know this may sound pleasant, but it's not) at 6am. i envision myself cutting down the tree or shooting them w a bb gun. i was like alskfjlaskdfj so i just get out of bed and jakey and i go on a walk on the beach.

we walk out of the apartment to find hot surfer model in a hot red bikini. she's trying to be nice and like "aww .. here doggy doggy" jakey barks at her. and she's like "oh" :( all sad. so then she starts running down the street toward the beach (almost skipping).. barefoot with her beach towel in the air like she was super woman. i walk jakey to beach moments later and when i see the gorgeous waves i forget all about the night before. :)

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