Sunday, April 4, 2010

Big pimpin' up in SYD

Thanks so much to Denise and Vinay (a.k.a. Dinay or Mom and dad) for the super generous gift certificate to Est restaurant. Michelin does not issue a guide for Australia (reason unknown?). Instead there is a "hat" system given by SMH Good Food Guide. Est has three chef hats (the highest rating). Observations: knife design was unique (sat upright), cougar dining with boy toy (no not me), and women in prom dresses (this is common at night in Sydney .. sometimes day time as well). We ordered the chef's tasting menu, 5 courses of bliss! Oysters, lobster claw, crisp skin mulloway, beef fillet and then passion fruit souffle. We ended the night perfectly - in a gorgeous white Bentley, rocking Sade. The restaurant gives complementary rides in their Bentley to patrons in the following category: 1. VIPS (not us), 2. people who have spent lots of money with them (again, not us), or 3. people they just really liked! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. OMG - denise and vinay are THE coolest!! LOVE THEM!! :)
