Wednesday, April 21, 2010


i exercised for the first time last night in a very long time. chris, jakey and i went on a jog. while chris continued on his jog (i stopped half way thru), jakey and i walked on the beach and did some yoga stretches. it was a beautiful night. the cold sand felt great between my toes. as i was getting my back stretch on, this naked man got out of the water. he started walking toward me. i was trying to be open minded. totally normal, beautiful night on the beach, we were one with nature, etc.. the guy then started talking to me. even squatting down while he was naked to try to pet jakey. ding-a-ling in full view. luckily jakey started barking and i started rambling how he has been slightly off because of quarantine and then briskly walked away. still shocked.

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